CBD Vape Guide

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CBD is fast becoming the 'buzz word of 2018' you cannot switch on your TV or Radio without hearing a debate or interview discussing CBD.

Since Canada made CBD and Cannabis products Legal in October 2018 even Walmart has started to stock CBD Vaporisers including the Volcano. Vaping is a very effective and popular technique for obtaining your daily CBD supplement. Here in the UK, Vaping CBD is fast becoming the most common and acceptable way to consume CBD both sociably as well as discreetly.

Vaping CBD is common in all walks of life, all religions, all races and all ages, are using it as their new 'go-to' food supplement - the young out clubbing, right through various different social circles - the local GP, the Dalston and Hoxton hipsters, the retired senior, the city professional and even your Great Aunt Polly. CBD is now present everywhere, in the workplace, at home and the enthusiastic CBD Vaping community is growing bigger by the day with little sign of slowing down!

And its not just smokers that are turning to it, many, both young and old who have never even smoked standard cigarettes, tobacco or pipes are starting to take an interest. 

Realising, that despite the endless offerings of CBD infused products out there on the market these days, vaping CBD is one of the easiest and most convenient methods to consume and get your daily intake of CBD Food supplements.

Vaping CBD uses less CBD oil than other methods.

Many customers are drawn to our CBD e-liquids because they already vape, and long-term vapers may look at CBD vape oil as a natural process.If you already smoke nicotine e-liquid, we suggest that you keep the two separate when it comes to vaping, rather than mixing them. This is so you can monitor how much you are consuming and the effects of CBD separately from your usual nicotine requirements. Vaping CBD e-liquids is just as popular among those who aren’t vaping nicotine e-liquids.

Its a favorable choice to vape CBD even if you haven’t used e-cigarettes. We have noticed increasingly more individuals are choosing CBD vape oil, regardless of whether they've vaped before or not. Some CBD lovers combine both our e-liquid along with another of our CBD Oil infused products, incorporating these CBD food supplements into their daily routine.

CBD oil | close up of man with beard vaping cbd | cbd vape | cbd e-liquid | natural organic pure clean cbd oils


The two main ingredients in CBD Vape / E-liquid are '( PG ) - Propylene Glycol' and '(VG) - Vegetable Glycerin'. Vape users with an intolerance to either of these two compounds may encounter a sinus irritation, nausea or perhaps even a headache after Vaping. Individuals with somewhat more severe intolerance or allergies may even break out in hives, develop swelling or experience difficulty in breathing. Considering that both compounds are so common in our everyday lives that it would be almost nearly impossible to not already realise you have an allergy to either before you started vaping.

Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are common ingredients in vapour, cosmetics, hair products, food, drinks, cigarettes, prescription medicine and many other everyday products. Vegetable Glycerin - (VG) allergy is also very rare and a reaction is more likely to be caused by an allergy to the plant oil from which the vegetable glycerin was sourced from. Propylene Glycol - (PG) allergies are much more common, but entirely avoidable to the Vape user.

It works by heating a liquid to produce an aerosol (a mixture of fine particles or liquid droplets) commonly called "vapour"

An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is a handheld electronic device that simulates the feeling of smoking and is today used by many, it works by heating a liquid to produce an aerosol (a mixture of fine particles or liquid droplets), commonly called a "vapour", that the user inhales. 

Using e-cigarettes or a Vape is commonly referred to as vaping! The liquid that is placed into the e-cigarette, is called Vape E-liquid or Vape juice, some liquids contain nicotine, or they are available without, they are also made using propylene glycol (PG) glycerine, various different flavourings and additives. Where vaping is concerned, there is still a lot to learn as the long-term effects of this method are still not fully known.

The modern day e-cigarette was invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik and as of November 2018 most e-cigarettes are still made in China.

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With so many CBD infused products on offer today, most of which also include other natural ingredients to enhance the potential of the product. But like most people, consumers purchasing natural, organic CBD products usually seek a product that doesn't contain anything other than high quality CBD Oil, enhanced and fully packed with the plants natural occurring blend of active compounds.

Our CBD vape liquid additive offers CBD in its purest form. When researching where to purchase your CBD oil, keep in mind that you should expect to find very few ingredients within a premium high quality CBD e-liquid. 

Most should typically contain 100% pure CBD extract, plus vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), which is used to form a base. Some contain a flavouring additive. 
A big advantage when choosing the vaping method, in order to consume your daily intake of CBD if you want a pure and potent supplement. CBD vape liquid additive by Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils, does not contain nicotine, or any other addictive chemicals. 

CBD Oil itself is non-addictive, and has not been linked with any severe side effects or overdose, and is generally regarded as safe.

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The majority of CBD products, including those such as capsules or edibles, contain pre-measured amounts of CBD Oil. However choosing to vape CBD Oil, offers the consumer the chance to uniquely customise their vaping experience. With a few simple calculations, you can determine exactly how much CBD vape oil you want to add and inhale.

CBD vape / e-liquid comes containing a choice of CBD content (strength) - starting from as low as 25 MG per bottle, all the way up to 4,000 MG content per bottle!. The choice is completely down to individual preference. 

Starting your CBD journey can at first be quite confusing and overwhelming, but it really all comes down to researching fully and educating yourself in order to find exactly how often and how much CBD is right for you.

There is no right or wrong way, everybody is different - We recommend you start with lowest amount of CBD, consuming at regular times, introduce it to your usual daily routine and keep a diary to monitor yourself. Be patient and give it time - a lot of people make the mistake of trying to rush this part, through impatience. Try experimenting with different inhalation techniques.too, after approximately 4-6 days if you feel the need to, then slowly increase the amount and again take note.

You will soon start to notice and realise  when you have reached your personal desired amount to take, as well as what times you feel are best for you to consume CBD Oil. It is important to try to stick with your findings, keeping regularity is key, there is usually no need to increase your intake further once you're satisfied,

CBD Sources and Quality - Consistency is key, and once you've discovered what is best for YOU, be aware that could possibly change if you switch products or brand. Some manufacturers are less reliable and trustworthy than others, meaning different CBD Oil sources, may not give you the same satisfaction as a high quality CBD Oil.

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It’s not uncommon now days, for people to consume their daily intake of CBD whilst n public or at work. While CBD iOil s safe to use virtually anytime and anywhere, some may feel insecure about ingesting capsules or drops of oil with others watching them closely. 

Vaping CBD is a discreet way of consuming CBD on-the-go without pulling out a tincture or bottle. No one will know you are vaping CBD unless you tell them, since CBD vape oil doesn’t have a distinct smell or look. You can incorporate CBD into your daily vaping routine without notice.



Getting your CBD journey started can be quite a daunting task for the inexperienced. With so many different types of vapes and CBD strengths and brands available on the marketplace, the decision can be daunting.

Should I go for a mini vape to start ? ... Which colour ?... 
Red, Black, Blue, Green..... Ciga-like, Tube Mod, Pod or a Box Mod?.... is that disposable vape pen at the Vape shop or the local convenience store down the street really the best option ?....  No probably not.

Good quality CBD vape oil is not inexpensive, therefore it is 100% advisable to ensure your health and safety is paramount when vaping CBD oil, so choosing the right Vaporiser is equally as important when purchasing. 

All devices comprise of a lithium-ion rechargeable battery, heating element coil, tank and mouthpiece. We suggest you opt for recommended, good quality items and you can do this without opting for the most expensive. 

Try to avoid e-cig starter kits or ego style pens, because you will find that you’ll get little if any vapour from a poor quality pen. Or you may find, the coils will always need replacing.

It is suggested that the temperature of your pen’s heater coil is controllable, this is because heating Vape e-liquid at high levels can be considered dangerous. Heating your CBD vape e-liquid at a low heat in terms of producing efficient sublimation (vaporisation), will help avoid the breakdown of thinning agents into carcinogens such as formaldehyde which is  present in smoking cigarettes. Avoid this by finding a Vape that has adjustable heat control and not one that just creates vast amounts of steam or vape clouds! 

Why overheat your CBD oil and risk losing the potential benefits being absorbed - wasting it!

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In general, we usually find that customers who buy CBD E-Liquid from us here at, Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils, usually fall into one of two categories:

Category 1: This includes people who prefer to vape their CBD ‘Neat’ – meaning, that they vape it in a cartridge by itself (NOT mixed with other e-liquids/flavours). And are mostly individuals that are either new to vaping or use another device in order to separate their nicotine and CBD e-liquid. This category of vaper's will usually fill their vaporiser tank full of CBD e-liquid and use it in small quantities (eg. 2 or 3 puffs- every few hours, or as and when needed).

Category 2: Includes individuals who are CBD ‘Mixers’ – these people are existing vapers who like to add a few drops of CBD e-liquid to their usual, preferred e-liquids in the same tank. This means they can vape all day long.

The difference here is that those 'Category 2' vapers, generally get less CBD intake with each puff, but are possibly getting a more consistent amount throughout the day. 

And those 'Category 1' vapers, are able to better control, the amount of CBD they intake, by limiting puffs and monitoring  times.


There are many other forms of CBD oil products available to us on the market, such as CBD infused gummies, coffee, CBD body balms, as well as regular CBD oil. However, when an individual is choosing the most suitable product for them, it is best to take into account the length of time it takes before the effects of CBD can be noticed. The user must digest and wait for the CBD to enter the bloodstream after consumption. Depending on the way they administer CBD, this process could take upwards of thirty minutes before the user is aware.

It is for this reason that vaping CBD oil has become so popular among so many. Most people who choose to vape CBD oil describe an almost instantaneous effect from their CBD vape liquid. 

This places Vaping CBD Oil as a first choice and 'go to' way of consuming CBD.

CBD vape liquid | cbd vape | senior woman with cbd vape pen | natural organic pure clean cbd oils

We have heard that many vape stores often take advantage of those new to vaping, using their lack of product knowledge as an advantage, in order to sell them over-priced, unsafe equipment or multiple vape juice and vape e -liquid flavours which the consumer will never use. 

It is important and advised to gain a basic understanding of vaping and the components involved, including the preferred liquid flavours, before making your first purchase. 

With the topic of CBD being so prominent in the mainstream press and appears to be a current, on-going media trend, CBD Oil is hot on the lips of many - Because of this rapidly growing interest, it is noticeable that there are many new CBD oil stockists popping up on the internet and in your local high streets everyday! 

Because of this competition, there appears to be vast differences in the prices of products, causing confusion to those who are new to CBD oil. Be sure to fully understand the contents of your CBD e-liquid, know how it was manufactured, that it has been analysed and that it’s CBD content is 100% traceable. 

Ensure that you purchase from a reliable, trustworthy company with current product and liability insurances, and preferably that they are a member of the Cannabis or Hemp Trades Association like Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils, UK (NOPC Oils).

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There is real lack of understanding when it comes to CBD Oil as well as cannabis, amongst many white label retailers. 

It is noted that the market place is being inundated by foreign exports of CBD from China, who according to reports have seen the popularity of CBD Oil, so have demolished industrial sites in order to grow cannabis crops. But this is causing some batches to be contaminated and poisonous from the chemicals which are still present in the soil of the grow site.

Some tested CBD Oil was found to have high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), some with no CBD or THC and / or very low levels of CBD content, others were even found containing poisons!

There are many so called entrepreneurs, who are quickly jumping on the CBD gravy train, looking to make quick money. In the long term, this could damage the CBD community, its established CBD Oil manufacturers and CBD Oil brands who are correctly vetted by organisations such as the cannabis trades association, keeping to strict guidelines and policies in order to keep their consumers safe.

Cannabidiol,  or CBD for short, is a wonder of nature. It is NOT psychoactive, meaning that CBD doesn’t make you high. And because it is a different compound to THC, it won’t show up on a drug test either. 

There are two main ingredients which are found in the marijuana plant, these are CBD and THC. Both belong to an exclusive class of compounds known as cannabinoidsMost of the CBD is found in the least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp. Although hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, they couldn’t be more different.

CBD is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plants, and once it is isolated from the rest of the plant, CBD Oil, can be incorporated into a number of various products, from sublingual oils, to body creams, vape juice or even honey.

CBD Oil vape additive by Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD OIls will NOT get you high, our CBD e-liquids contain no psychoactive properties. There is no Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) within any of our products.

cbd vape liquid | cbd vape | woman side profile | vaping cbd oil | natural organic pure clean cbd oils

At Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils, CBD Vape E-Liquids are specifically designed and created for vaping and are different to our other CBD oils. You can easily vape our CBD e-liquid by using a good quality kit. 

And we hope you’ll agree that vaping CBD is an effective and convenient technique for everyday use. 

Whilst we cannot advise about specific conditions - we hope that you’ll find vaping CBD e-liquids helpful to you personally.

Keep in mind that a little goes a long way with CBD Vape e-liquid by Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils.


At Natural Organic Pure Clean CBD Oils, UK - (NOPC Oils) all CBD Oil products are marketed and sold as Food Supplements and none of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure medical conditions.

We are an active member of the Cannabis Trades Association (CTA) UK, and we have ensured to the best of our ability that our CBD Oil follows to the guidelines laid out by the CTA in conjunction with the MHRA. Meaning our customers are safe in the knowledge their health and legal standing is not at risk when consuming our products.

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If you have any questions 

regarding CBD Oil or any of 

our products, please do not

hesitate to contact us

at: admin@nopcoils.com




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